San Antonio HIV/AIDS Care

Contact us
Call the HIV/AIDS clinic at 210-358-3710.

San Antonio HIV/AIDS Care

Family-Focused AIDS Clinical Treatment Services (FFACTS)

HIV/AIDS care at University Health’s FFACTS Clinic is funded in part by the Ryan White Treatment and Modernization Act. We strive to improve the health and well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS in San Antonio and throughout South Texas.

Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Services

In partnership with UT Health San Antonio, we provide high quality, comprehensive services, including:

We also partner with outside agencies to assist you with needs such as transportation and housing.

Confidential, Supportive Care

At our clinic, we’re dedicated to treating you - not just your symptoms. We understand that an HIV/AIDS diagnosis requires support in many areas: medically, emotionally and financially. We respect your need for confidentiality and your need for overall support.

Specialty Pharmacy

You can reach the full-service specialty pharmacy at 210-358-9660 or fax 210-358-9634. It’s located at the Robert B. Green Campus, 903 W. Martin Street in San Antonio.

Hours of Operation

8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday–Friday

After-hours pharmacy available 24/7 at 210-358-2904.

Insurance 101: Your Essential Video Guide

Questions for your doctor

Ask your doctor the following questions:

  1. Have I been screened for syphilis this year?
  2. Have I been screened for chlamydia and gonorrhea this year?
  3. Have I been screened for TB this year?
  4. Have I been screened for Hepatitis B and C?
  5. Have I had my Pap smear this year? (females/male)
  6. Do I need a lipid panel or Hemoglobin A1C this year?
  7. Am I up to date on my pneumococcal, tetanus, Hepatitis A and B, HPV, meningococcal, flu and COVID-19 vaccines?
  8. Do I need a dental referral this year?
  9. Have my medications been updated during this visit?
  10. Does my partner need to be tested?
  11. Does my partner need PrEP?
  1. Barbara Taylor, MD
    Barbara Taylor, MD
    Infectious Diseases
  2. Ruth Serrano Pinilla, MD
    Ruth Serrano Pinilla, MD
    Infectious Diseases
  3. Sean O'neil, MD
    Infectious Diseases

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