Outcomes & Quality

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Outcomes & Quality

Feel confident to care for your baby and empowered to reach your personal goals through the Nurse-Family Partnership program at University Health. This high-quality program in San Antonio can transform your life.

San Antonio & State Outcomes

The Nurse-Family Partnership program helps at-risk, first-time moms by creating a supportive, dependable relationship with a nurse home visitor. The program can improve your baby’s health and start in life. Local program results show the development of healthy babies and families.

When you enroll in the established University Health Nurse-Family Partnership program, expect to get encouragement and help to improve your life.

The San Antonio programs provide positive outcomes, including:

  • More babies receiving the benefits of breast milk, with over 90% of mothers breastfeeding
  • Increased number of babies born at full term
  • Decrease in teen births in an area with one of the highest teen birth rates in the nation
  • Reduction in repeat teen births (teens who have another baby before they turn 20 years old)

National Program Outcomes

There are nearly 40 years of evidence behind the Nurse-Family Partnership program showing it works to reduce mother and baby health problems and promote healthier pregnancies and births.

Access the National Nurse-Family Partnership program fact sheets for more information about outcomes nationwide.

National Program Research

Taking part in the program can help you join mothers across the nation who achieved benefits such as:

  • Accessing prenatal care, improve their diets, and reducing their use of tobacco, alcohol and illegal substances
  • Feeling emotionally prepared for a new baby
  • Developing the skills to care for themselves and their children
  • Learning about normal behaviors and development in children and positive approaches for coping with behavior problems
  • Creating a vision for their future and finding ways to stay in school, seek employment and plan future pregnancies to achieve economic self-sufficiency

Several independent economic evaluations of the program show recovery of the costs of the program by the time children are four years old.

Program Quality

Your nurse home visitor will record information during every home visit. 

The visit data allows local and national program supervisors to monitor how your nurse follows the program and the outcomes you may achieve. This enables the Nurse-Family Partnership national team to compare social results in San Antonio to national data. They use this information to improve the program continuously.

  1. Brook Thomson, MD
    Brook Thomson, MD
    Obstetrics And Gynecology
  2. Cristina Wallace Huff, MD
    Cristina Wallace Huff, MD
    Obstetrics And Gynecology
  3. Mary Trautmann, WHNP
    Womens Health Care Nurse Practitioner