Neighborhood & Physical Environment
The conditions in which we are born, grow, learn, work and play can have major impacts on our well-being. By improving community conditions, we can improve health.
Neighborhoods with these conditions tend to be healthier:
- Safe sidewalks
- Clean air and water
- Access to healthy foods
- Public transportation
In contrast, neighborhoods without safe places to exercise and gather, pollution and limited resources can negatively impact health.
Fostering Healthy Environments
Good health depends partly on factors such as clean air and water and safe homes and workplaces. Governments, businesses and communities must work to improve these factors, which can:
- Reduce illness and disease
- Support healthy child development
- Enhance the quality of life for all residents
Find information about keeping your home safe and preventing injuries on our website.
Providing Accessible Transportation
Transportation plays an important role in public health. Energy-efficient, low-emission vehicles reduce pollution. Public transportation increases access to everyday destinations. Neighborhoods that are safe to walk and ride bikes encourage physical activity, which improves cardiovascular and musculoskeletal health.
Addressing Abuse & Violence
Abuse and violence harm the long-term health of survivors and witnesses. These crimes can also lead to a cycle of trauma that lasts generations.
Public health addresses these issues with prevention, early intervention and support services. By creating safe environments, we can break the cycle of violence and protect the health of our communities.
San Antonio Healthy Neighborhoods
San Antonio Metropolitan Health District helps people make positive changes in their community. Community health workers collaborate with neighbors on local projects such as:
- Farmers markets
- Gardening and cooking groups
- Health promotion events at schools
- Healthy corner stores
- Sports teams
- Youth spring break camp
- A “walking school bus” (a group of children and adults who walk to school)