Diabetes: John's Story

Diabetes: John's Story

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. About 37 million American adults have diabetes, but 1 in 5 of them don’t even know it. John discovered he had diabetes after experiencing chest pain.

After undergoing open heart surgery and making some major lifestyle changes, John is living a healthier life today.

Discovering Diabetes

“I started having some severe chest pains where it was serious enough that I called 911,” John said. The team in the emergency room couldn’t find anything wrong with him, so he asked his cardiologist for a second opinion. It turns out John was diabetic and had a serious heart condition.

“When my cardiologist determined that I was going to need open heart surgery, there was only one place that he would have it done at. It was University Hospital,” John said. “After my surgery, I realized I needed to change.” 

Texas Diabetes Institute

Some of the newest diabetes treatments are available at the Texas Diabetes Institute, a leading diabetes research and treatment center in the nation. TDI boasts a fitness center, cooking and nutrition classes and more, all designed to help our patients make healthy choices.

“The fitness center and the lifestyle modification program are very important because patients work with the dietitian closely,” said Dr. Alberto Chavez Velazquez, an endocrinologist at University Health. “They learn what to eat and the role of physical activity. The professionals we have working with the patients are … nurses, they have a background in diabetes.”

Healthier, Diabetes Medication-Free Life

With the help of our team at Texas Diabetes Institute, John lost 67 pounds and is now living diabetes medication-free.

“University Health really invests in you and works with you,” John said. “They want to make sure you have all the tools you need to change your life and to become a healthy person.”

Learn more about our services for children and adults at Texas Diabetes Institute.

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