Level I Trauma Center Verified Through 2016

American College of Surgeons renews status after hospital demonstrates the highest level of care for badly injured patients throughout South Texas

University Hospital once again has been verified as a Level I trauma center by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) through its Committee on Trauma. This renewal, which extends through Dec. 17, 2016, follows a rigorous review and site visit, and demonstrates the hospital provides the highest level of care for seriously injured patients.

University Hospital is the lead Level 1 trauma center for a 22-county region of South and Central Texas. In 2012, it treated 3,166 adults and 1,051 children suffering from serious injuries. University Hospital also operates the only ACS-verified pediatric trauma center in South Texas and maintains the only pediatric burn program in the area.

“Over the decades, our commitment to providing the highest level of care for serious injuries has saved countless thousands of lives in Bexar County and South Texas,” said George B. Hernández Jr., president and CEO of University Health. “This continued recognition by the ACS, year after year, is proof of that commitment.”

Established by the American College of Surgeons in 1987, the verification program for hospitals promotes the development of trauma centers that provide not only the hospital resources necessary for trauma care, but also the entire spectrum of care to address the needs of all injured patients from pre-hospital care through the rehabilitation process.

Verified trauma centers must meet the essential criteria that ensure trauma care capability and institutional performance, as outlined by the ACS’ Committee on Trauma in its current Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient manual.

More information about University Hospital’s trauma program can be found in the Community Trauma Report.

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