The problem with Spring

Spring has sprung. Step outside, and lawns and shrubs and trees are rousing themselves from a long winter’s nap and turning vivid shades of green.

Beautiful, isn’t it? Well, yes — except for all that spring pollen circulating in the air as part of nature’s cycle of life.

Here in South Texas, we barely get a reprieve from the mountain cedar that plagues us through the winter months. Now comes spring allergy season with trees, grasses and weeds casting off pollen for us to breath and sneeze

While oak pollen is a particular problem in South Texas, there are other pollenating trees such as hackberry and ash that cause reactions in some, along with some grasses this time of year.

South and Central Texas is notorious for year-round allergens. So much so that after surviving the onslaught for a number of years, residents begin to feel pretty confident about their allergy expertise.

If that’s you, you might want to test your knowledge. Take this allergy quiz, located in University Health’s Health Library. You might learn a thing or two.

Want to learn more? Here's some info from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

Want to know what's in the air now? Find out here.

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